Saturday, June 11, 2016

College Graduation

       On this day last year, I graduated from college with an associates degree in interior design. I had been in school for three years and was so glad to be done! I was so ready that I didn't even want to enroll in my last quarters classes. After all those years of wanting to be an interior designer, I was feeling like I was not in the right place. Concentrating in class was so difficult that I wanted to cry. I had wanted to be an interior designer since I was in the fifth grade, and now I don't want to do this anymore. I hated that feeling. I felt like I knew what to do with my life for nine years and now have no clue!
       The reason I began feeling like design wasn't for me is not that it's difficult, I knew that before I started, but I did not know about all the paperwork involved and how you need everything said on record to keep you safe from getting in to any trouble with your clients. I have a hard enough time remembering what I said to who the day before! I figure that if I do anything in the lines of interior design, I could do staging of homes for realtors. The only problem is I live in little old Smallville and that's an expensive profession that really wont go anywhere around here. At least, I don't think so. So until I figure out what exactly it is that I am to do, I will continue blogging, being a jewelry lady, and a barista.

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